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Sponsored Work Visa Program – A further raft of announcements

14th June 2023

The Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs, the Hon Andrew Giles MP has announced a further raft of reforms to the sponsored work visa program. These reforms are stated to have the purpose of “tackling temporary worker exploitation.” Below is a summary of some reforms the Minister is talking about noting we are waiting…


Ray Turner and a big win on the validity of a Department Notification

10th May 2023

The applicant made an application for a student visa through his migration agent. The visa was refused. A common story. The Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) has strict rules about how soon after being notified of a decision the applicant has to lodge an appeal. In this case the time limit was 21 days from being…


A new Industry Labour Agreement for Aged Care Workers

9th May 2023

In 2021, Australia held a Royal Commission in the Aged Care sector which made a raft of recommendations that depend on new workers to ameliorate the sever shortage of aged-care workers. The government calculated the overall shortfall of aged care workers would be 25,437 nurses and care workers in the next financial year, blowing out…


A Review of the Migration System – summary of announced changes

1st May 2023

On 2 September 2022, the Minister for Home Affairs, the Hon Clare O’Neil MP announced a comprehensive review of Australia’s migration system. In April 2023, the Minister announced anticipated changes to the current system. Below is a summary of the announced changes noting we are yet to see published changes to the law. Pathway to…


Getting a request for more information from the Immigration Department

13th March 2023

Don’t always assume that the Immigration Department officers and communications are right about what the law says. Often, delegates misapply the law leading them down the wrong path toward a bad outcome for the visa applicant. While the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) or the courts can sort out delegates errors in applying the law, this…